Hitler’s engineers managed to secretly develop one of the most sophisticated war technology of that time. One of this technology’s elements is the flyer wing bomber. Known as the secret arm of Adolf Hitler, the Ho 229 bombardier was created to transport the equivalent of 900 armament kilograms, flying at the altitude of 15.000 meters, according to Business Insider. This bombardier was equipped with turbo propeller engines and it was endowed with R4M rockets and with cannons, being the first airplane of this type in the world. Its first flight was consigned in 1944. Another element of the incredible Nazi technology is the Fritz X radio guided bomb. Fritz X was considered the ‘grandpa of the intelligent bombs’. It was an explosive device of 1.500 kilograms equipped with a radio receptor and a sophisticated guide. In less than one month after it was developed, the Nazis sank an Italian war vessel, in September 1943.
The Hitler’s incredible technology list continues with the remote controlled tracked mine. Known by the American army under the Doodlebug name, the mini tanks were controlled with a joystick and they had two electric engines that were replaced later with gas burners. This device was created to transport between 60 and 100 kilograms of explosives and it was used to navigate on the mined lands. The Nazis built more than 7.000 devices of this type, opening the way for the weapons controlled through the radio. The last on the Hitler’s developed technology is the rocket powered plane. At the end of 1930, the Germans developed the Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, a plane with rocket engine. Over 300 of these war planes were built and endowed with munition at that time.
As incredible as it may seem all of these inventions were part of the incredible technology used by Hitler and the Nazi army during the World War II.