An international team of researchers from UK, Germany, and China discovered the oldest ancestor of man, and probably a broad spectrum of another species, writes the BBC News. The researchers claim that it is about the fossilized remains of a creature of 540 million years. The microscopic marine animal is the earliest stage of the evolution which leads to fish and eventually to man. The team of researchers claims that Saccorhytus is the most primitive example of the animal category known as the ‘deuterostomes’ which are common ancestors of a broad spectrum of species, including vertebrate animals. There’s a DNA Kit that you can get for yourself or a loved one. Find out in just a week where your family ancestry came from. Get 2 day Free Shipping also.
Saccorhytus has the size of approximately one millimeter and it is assumed that it lived between the wires of the sand on the ocean bottom. It was covered by a thin skin, relatively flexible, and by muscle. For the time being, the researchers have not been able to determine if the animal had an anal hole, suggesting that it eliminated the rests through the same hole used for eating. Up to now, the group of deuterostomes were from 510-520 million years ago.
They have diversified not only in the group of the vertebrates to which the people and their ancestors belong, but also in other species like the starfish. Because they look so different from each other, it was extremely difficult for the scientists to determine how a more advanced common ancestor would have looked like. According to the study, the body of this organism is symmetrical, a feature that is specific to many of the descendants of the on the evolutionary scale, including of the people. The researchers claim that the most visible feature is the wide mouth, compared with the rest of its body. They claim that it used to feed through the ingestion of particles of food or even of some other creatures.
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