Protestor Crashes Volkswagen’s Media Presentation … Oops

A Volkswagen executive presented in front of an audience at the Geneva International Motor Show in Switzerland on Tuesday when a coveralls-clad protester abruptly interrupted, getting on stage to make fake repairs to a VW car on display.

The protester, who has been identified as comedian Simon Brodkin, dressed up as a VW mechanic with a wrench and toolbox labeled “cheat box” and made references to VW’s emission scandal. VW was found to have deliberately created software for its diesel engines that cheated EPA emissions testing. This scandal has marred the image of VW for the past several months, inciting protests against the German car makers.

Brodkin, in German-accented English, came on stage saying, “Excuse me, I have ze new cheat box,” and headed right toward the car on stage.

As security came to help, VW board member Jürgen Stackmann urged Brodkin off the stage. But Brodkin continued, saying he was told to make the “repair” by VW CEO Matthias Müller.

Brodkin came on stage dressed as a Volkswagen mechanic, holding a wrench and toolbox labeled “cheat box.” Image: Harold Cunningham/Getty Images

“Mr. Müller said it was OK as long as no one finds out about it, so if we just keep it quiet this time it will be OK,” Brodkin said as he was being escorted off the stage.

Stackmann continued his presentation, and afterward told The Associated Press, “Obviously we know at the moment that we are the brand that attracts a lot of attention — and we have to live with that.”

The scandal VW admitted to in September affects 11 million cars worldwide. By rigging its diesel emissions tests, VW knowingly sold engines that release high levels of dangerous nitrogen oxide.

This isn’t Brodkin’s first performance protest. Amid FIFA’s scandal this past summer, he went on stage and showered former president Sepp Blatter with dollar bills before being removed by security.

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