Prince Harry of Great Britain accused ‘the harassing and abusive behavior’ from the public space at the address of his girlfriend, the American actress Meghan Markle, 35 years old. The British press reported everyday about Markle, starting from the end of October, and about her meetings with Prince Harry, which happens for few months. The Kensington Palace issued a press release, that officially confirms the relationship of Prince Harry with the American actress, but which denounces the media reports, including the defamation on the first page of a national British newspaper, the comments with racial and sexist substrate as well as the racism of the ‘trolls’ on the social network accounts and the comments of the Internet users to the online articles. ‘The past week has seen a line crossed. His girlfriend, Meghan Markle, has been subject to a wave of abuse and harassment.
Some of this has been very public – the smear on the front page of a national newspaper; the racial undertones of comment pieces; and the outright sexism and racism of social media trolls and web article comments. Some of it has been hidden from the public – the nightly legal battles to keep defamatory stories out of papers; her mother having to struggle past photographers in order to get to her front door; the attempts of reporters and photographers to gain illegal entry to her home and the calls to police that followed; the substantial bribes offered by papers to her ex-boyfriend; the bombardment of nearly every friend, co-worker, and loved one in her life. Prince Harry is worried about Ms. Markle’s safety and is deeply disappointed that he has not been able to protect her. […] This is not a game – it is her life and his’, it is shown in the official communicate.