Important names of the international music, like Metallica and Rihanna made a communal front for the refugee cause and for the improvement of the sanitary conditions in the developing countries, at the Global Citizen Festival that took place in Central Park – New York. The 5th edition included musical performances and short speeches of the international stars that asked solidarity with the refugee situation on the background of the vast exodus from Syria, a country devastated by war. The electronic music band Major Lazer opened the 6 hour festival, a festival that included pop artists like Ellie Goulding, Demi Lovato and Rihanna who said that she also emigrated to USA from Barbados. Metallica performed five of its most known songs, but at an unprecedented sounding to point blank of the international diplomacy.
Yusuf, the rocker knows as Cat Stevens before converting to Islam, made an appeal to the public to judge no one based on the identity. He said that the planet is big enough for all. The rapper Kendrick Lamar performed the ‘Alright’ song, his unofficial hymn for the Black Lives Matter movement. A 6 years old boy called Alex, got up on the festival stage and asked the American president Barack Obama to bring Omran, a 5 years old boy from Syria in the USA. This boy stood alive after the Alep bombardments and his picture was published by the international press. The Global Citizen Festival organisation that claims over 6 million actions worldwide since it was created in 2012, was inspired by a concert organised in 1971 in Bangladesh by the ex member of the Beatles band, George Harrison. The next Global Citizen Festival will take place on November 19, at Bombay in India, with the participation of Coldplay, Jay Z and of the Bollywood star Aamir Khan.