Man Assaulted Girlfriend Because She Wouldn’t Smell His Armpit

When you suspect some body odor may be lurking in your armpit, the first move is to smell it yourself. Only when you can’t identify yourself as the culprit do you call upon a friend to sacrifice their nostrils in favor of your peace of mind.

Should a friend reject your request, you politely retreat, knowing full well it was just too much to ask.

One Texas man by the name of Robinson Pinilla-Bolivar did not get that memo.

On November 13, Pinilla-Bolivar was arrested on charges of aggravated assault after allegedly threatening his girlfriend with a knife for not smelling his armpit.

According to CBS 7, the man’s girlfriend was washing the dishes when he entered the room and asked her to smell his armpit. When his girlfriend said no, Pinilla-Bolivar became violent, first hitting her in the back of the head and then pulling a knife on her.

The woman says she called the police when Pinilla-Bolivar fled the scene. He was later arrested at a traffic stop.

Pinilla-Bolivar tells police he made no threats to the woman but threw the knife into the sink when she refused to sniff his armpit.

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