After the rainiest month in Texas’ recorded history, the aftermath of the flooding rainfall is being felt by everyone and everything – even (and perhaps, especially) the livestock. About 30 miles northeast of Houston, Texas on Sunday, 500-600 cattle were left stranded by flood waters in the small town of Dayton.
In order to escape the rushing water, a combination of cowboys, volunteers and cops led the stranded cattle to safety – marching them nine miles through feet of water. Unfortunately, not all of the cattle survived the lengthy trek.
According to Houston TV station KHOU, about 200 cattle survived the journey, who were aided by dozens of families to help and watch the action. Airboats were also used to help the cattle get to the CMC Rail Yards in Dayton.
The Trinity River (pictured) begins in the Dallas area, which received nearly 17 inches of rain in a record-breaking May. The north-to-south flowing river passes through Dayton, where the rushing waters overspilled their banks on the Liberty Bell Ranch, where the cattle were sheltered. The flooding narrowed the nearly 1,800 acre ranch to just 50 acres of dry land, forcing owner Pat Hencey to lead his cattle away.
The rest of the week appears to be dry, although swollen rivers and adjacent tributaries are still at risk for more significant flooding. The rest of the week, however, strongly appears to show a drying trend, allowing Texas, much of the south and its cattle a badly-needed respite from the heavy rain.
Source: WeatherNation Hundreds of Cattle Rescued From Texas Floodwaters | Meteorologist Chris Bianchi – Photo: @I80queen