Hug Campaign for Religious Tolerance

On Monday, a Kashmiri doctor named Sandeep Mawa surprised the residents of Srinagar by starting a hug campaign where he stood blindfolded in the heart of the Jammu and Kashmir capital, inviting passersby to hug him, irrespective of their religion. His inspiration was a similar initiative by a Muslim man in Paris in the wake of the city-wide terrorist attacks on 13 Nov.

“We do not want politicians and agencies to divide people on the basis of religion. We will not allow anyone to harm Kashmiriyat. We oppose the hate campaign. The politics of religion is not good,” he told reporters.

Image: Waseem Andrabi/Hindustan Times

Behind him, the banners stated: “I am a Muslim/Sikh/Kashmiri Pandit. I trust you and respect you. It is very cold. Hug me.”

The aim of the hug campaign was to promote interfaith dialogue, tolerance and brotherhood between the various communities of the north Indian state. Mawa, who belongs to the Hindu Kashmiri Pandit community, is also the chairperson of the civil society group, Jammu and Kashmir Reconciliation Front, and was accompanied by several members of the Sikh and Muslim communities.

“We, all humans, are alike. When God has not differentiated between us, why should there be any division? There should not be any intolerance,” Mawa added. In the future, he plans to start a similar hug campaign outside the Indian Parliament in Delhi.

Image: Waseem Andrabi/Hindustan Times


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