Blind Masseur’s Abducted Guide Dog Was Returned Along with an Apology Note

A blind masseur’s Labrador guide dog that had been stolen from him in Beijing, China, was returned to him with an apology note.

According to Chinese media outlets, on Tuesday the seven-year-old dog named Qiaoqiao was returned to her owner, Tian Fengbo. Around her neck, was a note sealed inside a plastic bag that read: “We are sorry. We send the dog back and beg your pardon. We have also been under great pressure these two days…”Qiaoqiao was abducted from Tian on Feb. 22, and the dognapping was caught on tape by a roadside security camera, reported the South China Morning Post. The perpetrators have yet to be identified by authorities.

Tian and his family searched for the dog for two days to no avail and even put up a lost pet notice. When Qiaoqiao was finally reunited with her family, there were tears all around. The dog has been with Tian for five years and is his “eyes”.

Asked whether he would go after the gang that took Qiaoqiao, Tian told People’s Daily: “Honestly, they were kind to send the dog back. I care more about the welfare of animals, especially guide dogs, than about finding the perpetrators.”

Dognapping is a common occurrence across mainland China. The stolen dogs have been known to be sold to meat markets, where dog meat is considered a delicacy.

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