Use Thongagram to Mail a Message to your Friends and Enemies
Forget those other forms of messaging you’ve been using, here’s a new way to send a note — all via a common piece of rubber in the post.
It’s called Thongagram, a service that will post a message containing a maximum 100 characters, written on a thong, to anywhere in Australia for A$10 (US$7.20) plus the cost of the stamps. To you, Americans, that’s a flip-flop, not g-string underwear. Hurr hurr hurr.
It’s the brainchild of 28-year-old Tasmanian man Dave, who told Mashable Australia he built the website quickly during a day in September 2015, but it was largely forgotten about. He then posted it on Reddit in February, where it suddenly took off.
He was inspired to create the unique website after seeing services online that “were offering to send weird things through the mail.”
“Through a bit of googling I found a blog where they had sent a bunch of weird things through the mail,” Dave said. “That confirmed to me the idea that you can get away with a lot when it comes to [sending things in] the mail, at least in the U.S.”
He then set to work, coming up with a new method of posting sweet nothings.
“All that was left was to pick an item to anchor the website around, and thongs met the criteria of being; one, able to be written on easily; two, able to be handled easily; three, durable,” Dave said. “And being quirky enough to get the attention of the sender and most importantly, the receiver. To be sure it would work I mailed the first couple to myself.”
No profanities are allowed on the thong, just in case if you wanted to send a foul-mouthed message to your worst enemy, so you better think of something nice to say.
“Some of the messages being sent are very sweet actually,” Dave said. “I started the website thinking that people would just send joke messages to each other, but people are sending love notes, birthday messages, and some stupid stuff too.”
According to Dave, the messages sent on Thongagram so far include:
“This is just because I love you and you’re the best mother in the world xxx All my love xxx”
“Happy Birthday Loooooooooosa!”
“Good job moving out.”
“Here ya go, a thongin’ from cockroach country ya bloody cane toad!”
“You’re a top shiela. Happy V day aye.”
Bogans, lovers, birthday messages. Who doesn’t love a good thongin’?
It’s not the first time you can send random things to people, there’s that service that allows you to send glitter to your enemies, coal if they’ve been really bad and farts in a jar if they’ve been awful.