It was a hot July day when Evans who is 35 years old, was arrested for protesting #BlackLivesMatter peacefully at a rally in Baton Rouge Louisiana over the weekend. Evans who is shown in the picture below wasn’t causing a scene or doing anything to jeopardize the safety of the public or officers who were there controlling the crowds. However, she was arrested and then released on Sunday July 10th, 2016.
The only thing she did was refuse to move where she stood in the street. She was one of more than 100 protesters who were arrested on Saturday. There has been an increase in arrests made since the shooting of the officers in the news recently. Most protesters are out trying to share a story, or protect the rights of their nation. However, when things get out of hand the law enforcement takes things into their own hands and can quickly just start arresting people for no reason. When the police show up in full riot gear to start arresting the public for peacefully protesting their rights there’s just something wrong with this picture. As some demonstrators moved and others yelled at officers, one woman (Evans) stood silently on the roadway and resolutely refused to budge. She was arrested for this!
Leisha Evans commented on her Facebook wall after the incident with the following comment: “I appreciate the well wishes and love, but this is the work of God,” Evans wrote on Facebook. “I am a vessel! Glory to the most high! I’m glad I’m alive and safe. And that there were no casualties that I have witnessed first hand.”
This photo went viral quickly after it was published over the weekend and we just wanted to share with you some of the pictures captured over the weekend.
Photo Credits: Jonathan Bachman
Need attention much??
Need attention much??
You are BREAKING the LAW. Oh yeah, ALL lives matter!!!!!
You are BREAKING the LAW. Oh yeah, ALL lives matter!!!!!
Jesus didn’t follow the law. He was an anarchist. Or does the book our reading have too many contraditions that you didn’t notice? Thou shall not judge? AND,
if you can show me where the “civil” authority is in these pics, then your rebutal might be able to be correct. With an emphesis on the “might”.
Considering there is no “civil” authority anywhere in these pictures, In these pictures there seem to be “figures” of authority, that want to place in the catagory of being “civil” by the citizens. The same citizens whome they are denying their constitutional and human rights, The very same rights they volunteered, raised their right hand, then swore an oath to protect.
So when “civil authority” volunteer and swear an oath to protect their citizens, start violating the rights they swore to uphold and protect, you can’t place them under the category of civil, let alone an “authority”. Because the moment they volunteered and swore an oath to protect not just the rights of the people, but the people themselves, their personal rights and safety have been voluntarily place 2nd to theirs. The only time their rights are restored to being first, is when the clock out and go home for the day. Now they are back to being off duty and a normal citizen with their normal rights restored. Just because they put on a badge, doesn’t mean their rights are above anyone else. In reality it mean the complete opposite.
It means their rights are below the peoples whome they are supposed to protect. Arresting peacefull protestors and detaining them without any violation of law is a federal crime unto itself. The officers, just like our military want to be looked up to as role models and a positive influence, then they need to be held to a highter standard then the general population. In the socieity it is today, this is not the case. They are being held to a lower standard with the benefits to being above everyone else. When they violated this citizens rights, by unlawfull detainment, they broke the law and violated the constition in such a way that the normal citizen could never do. The constition is the citizens not the authorities.
When someone takes office, becomes an officer of the law, joins the military, they have changed to a different status and are no longer in the same category of a citizen. They have taken the citizen and elevated them above their own safety and welbeing.
The police moto is “to protect and serve’. Whome exactly are their protecting these peacefull protestors from? Whome exactly are they serving?
Especialy to strip the public of their civil, federal, and consitional rights, when the public have not done so with anyone else. The only reason an “officer of the law” should be detaining someone is when they break, or violate the “law’, i.e. a citizens safety, life, or rights have been violated by another citizens.
As this is not the case, these officers are violating the laws and rights of the people and the constitution. If what they volunteered to do is no longer their objection, then they no longer fall under the category of “officers of the law”, therefore; do not have the federal protection it grants them.
They violated the citizens human, civil and constitional rights, and being in a position of power and stature, they need to be held to a higher standard than then their civilian counterparts and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Not just because it is what the law ,that they are supposed to be upholding states, but because to not do so has moral and unjust consequences that is allready rotting what little morallity, these officers have. Integrity they have non of, because the federal court states the police or officers in general can bodly lie to secure a conviction in their favor. Federal and Supreme courts have ruled that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stallin have more integrity in their left testical then any of our officers that fill the ranks of our so called “police” force, has their whole body. -Sad isn’t it.
Timothy Arnold wrapped up beautifully.
It’s pretty simple, can’t protest in the street unless given an ok and if you’re asked by a cop to do something and you don’t want to get arrested or killed then JUST DO WHAT THEY SAY OR ASK!!! Pretty damn simple if you ask me!!
Refusing to comply with lawful orders is “doing something wrong.” Btw, if you want to glorify God then obey civil authority. Romans 13:1-7
It is obvious that knowing that injustices are being done to various citizens is allowed but to have the gall to rise up and speakout . . . protest a murder or the lynching of human being right to gather and demand accountability by those empowered to protect and serve!? Well it must be true. . . SEE NO EVIL HEAR NO EVIL AND Yeah definitely don’t SPEAK NO EVIL. Sorry!!!! Even iif WE ARE NOT TRULY FREE can’t we at least remind ourselve we’re SUPPOSE TO BE!!!???qualified sensibility
“Refusing to comply with lawful orders”? You seem to be confused about the difference between Lawful Orders and invasion of civil liberties. It appears, to me, the lady was not provoking violence, threatening officers, etc. I have not seen any press that she was doing anything that was not, supposedly, guaranteed by the constitution to peaceably assemble and protest. Not all orders given by police or other agencies are “lawful”.