Hannah Saul Reveals Her Food and Fitness Secrets

Just in case you were planning on skipping the gym today, we’d like to introduce Hannah Saul: Instagram star, swimwear model, and fitness entrepreneur. Hailing from Lennox Head, a beach town on the east coast of Australia, and now based in sunny Sydney, the 25 year-old beauty is earning a rep as one of Instagram’s buzziest fitspo stars, all while scoring gigs as the face of major Aussie brands, including Jets Swimwear and Lorna Jane Active.

In addition to all that, Saul is also a serious health and fitness addict. She’s about to launch her own workout app, HANxFIT, which will offer daily workout ideas for women. With a focus on bodyweight circuits (read: no gym equipment necessary), HANxFIT’s program is the kind you can do just about anywhere.

We asked Saul to share a page from her food and fitness diary, and here’s what she came back with.

For breakfast I had:
A​vocado with lemon and cracked pepper on soy-and-linseed toast.

For lunch I had:
I ​generally love a nice light pasta with seafood or a salad with lean meat.

For dinner I had:
B​BQ prawns, squid, and salad.

Today I snacked on:
L​eftovers in the fridge! Usually nuts and fruit are my staple snack items.

My go-to healthy drink is:
F​resh fruit and vegetable juices.

The one thing I would never eat is:
F​ast food. It’s a definite no-no for me.

My favorite workout is:
I ​love all exercise, although surfing would have to be my favorite! Being active while having fun is always a win.

My guilty pleasure food is:
I​talian food. I could seriously eat it daily! It’s a pleasure without guilt though—great food is the essence of life.

The next big health and fitness trend will be:
My fitness app, H​ANxFIT!​ (I hope!) The app is usable no matter where you want to train. It features body weight, gym, core, and kettlebell workouts, and I have options suitable for all fitness levels.

My favorite healthy restaurant is:
A​nywhere that does a killer seafood platter.

My favorite healthy snack is:
M​y homemade protein balls.

Some of the fitness sites I love include:
Move Nourish Believe, Sporteluxe, and fitness content on S​tyleCaster.

On Instagram, I’m obsessed with following:
Candice Swanepoel. She’s just gorgeous.

The three ingredients you’ll always find in my kitchen are:
A​vocados, coconut water, and chia seeds.

My biggest health tip for travelers is:
D​o not overeat on the plane. Eat light meals when you can, as the body struggles on long flights. Drink lots of water, and when you arrive, eat according to the time zone you are now in, not just because you feel you need to eat.

My signature healthy dish is:
I ​love to make Singapore noodles and stir-fry dishes. It’s such a great way to get a big vegetable hit and a quick, easy meal!

The health app I couldn’t live without is:
M​y fitness app, H​ANxFIT​—it allows me to do circuit training wherever I am in the world.

The best part of my job is:
W​orking with an amazing creative team daily. I love them.

I start an average day with:
Morning cardio with my partner.

My winter health tip is:
S​ummer bodies are made in winter!

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